Monday, March 16, 2009

Stimulus Road Money Submittal

With all this talk about transparency about the ARRA (stimulus money act), I thought I would do may part to make our participation as transparent as possible. So here is the low-down on our road money status:

Last Mon., March 9, 2009, the city council approved using the stimulus money allocated to the city of LaSalle to repair the following road sections:

Creve Coeur: Third to Eighth
First street at Crosat (intersection only)
Third: LaHarpe to Sterling
Eighth: Joliet to Crosat
Edwards: 2 Blocks west of St. Vincent to St. Vincent
Crosat: O'conor to Grant

And in an effort to be even more transparent, here is a link to the document the city was required to submit to IDOT to secure the funding: ARRA TIP sheet

(Note: the amount shown is based on an estimate only - the final cost may be more or less depending on the final design and construction costs. Also, this document is not yet approved; only submitted)

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